Category Archives: Digital ET

Rajshri Online

Vivah might have mixed reponse at the the box-office.
But Rajshri’s courtship with broadband has begun and is
making all the right moves.

First, it has some great content online available as ‘free’ video streams.
Second, it is fast building its content repository adding outside content as well.
Third, it is playing around with the medium by offering even its latest movie ‘Vivah’ for  fee download.

The last one sounds pretty promising on two counts.

  1. Create ‘openings’ akin to physical box-office openings on
    the internet
  2. To some extent manage the damage that result from the
    negative reviews on the internet by making a certain percentage
    of them watch the movie instantly
  3. And, if the movie is good, it would sure generate good
    mouth talk and it would spill over into the the other media as well.

While online business model continues to evolve for Rajshri Productions,
Bollywood lovers could  feast on some great videos and old Rajshri

Related Links
Rajshri Online
Rajshri Media MD Interview

Critical Mention:TV Syndication to web


About Critical TV
CriticalTV is a comprehensive web-based television search and
monitoring service that allows users to search, track and view
critical information from television news. The platform provides
real-time monitoring and email alerts for organizations that
require up-to-the-minute news about their company, customers
and competitors. CriticalTV allows users to easily find a video clip
online immediately after its broadcast, instantly share the clip
within a workgroup via secure video-email or a private video gallery,
and order a professional transcript or hard copy online.

How it works
The CriticalTV search platform deploys technology that continuously
digitizes transcripts and live broadcast footage, in real-time, and
indexes and stores each in the CriticalTV media database.
Users are able to perform keyword searches against the
database (a company name, product, person, topic, etc.) and
have their results of their keyword mention instantly displayed
within the platform. Users can than watch the video, read the
transcript, forward the clip on to colleagues, order the clip to an
archive, or a host of other tasks designed for users to effectively
communicate and share their broadcast mentions.

What does Business2.0 has to say
In an era when TV stations are losing their audience to channel
surfing, commercial skipping, and the Web, the ClipSyndicate
site promises to find a better audience for news broadcasts.
Morgan has already struck deals with more than 65 affiliates
and is in discussions with all the major station groups to host
clips from their local news and other shows.

Related Links
Critical Mention
Must see Critical TV: Business 2.0
The Long Tail on Wikipedia

Nintendo DS:Changing the rules of the game?

Video gaming is a cyclical industry in which new consoles are launched every five or six years. In the last cycle, which began in 2000, Sony’s PlayStation 2 emerged as the clear victor, far outselling Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo’s GameCube. The next cycle will pitch Microsoft’s Xbox 360, launched last year, against the PS3 and the Wii. With each cycle the power of the hardware increases, making possible better graphics and more complex games. But Mr Iwata believes the industry has reached a crossroads: by designing products for existing gamers and neglecting non-gamers, it undermines the prospects for future growth. There have even been signs in Japan that the market was starting to shrink. “We need something radical to change the situation,” says Mr Iwata.

More on Nintendo’s radical change at Economist