Star Wars nearing 30

With the 30th anniversary of Star Wars fast approaching (May 25), it’s time to begin celebrating the galaxy far, far away all over again.

Festivities kick off tonight in L.A., where the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will screen George Lucas’ 1977 space opera masterpiece and celebrate the film it dissed for an Oscar. The first Star Wars film garnered 10 nominations and took home six of the golden statues, but lost out to Annie Hall for the year’s best picture.

More at Wired

Web 2.0: Some facts…

A study by Bill Tancer, an analyst with Hitwise, which measures Web 2.0 audiences, shows that only a tiny fraction of people using social media actively participate. A miniscule 0.16 percent of visits to YouTube actually involve people putting a video up on it, according to his online surfing data. All the rest are visits by people watching the videos of that tiny fraction.

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O’Reilly on Web 2.0

As far as I’m concerned, web 2.0 is still in it’s really early stages, and the reason is because the data isn’t all owned yet.

The network-effects play is about how you get increasing returns by everybody using your stuff, which is really what Microsoft did on the PC. Here we see it again, where these are winner-takes-all games. The internet looks like an open platform in the beginning, but once somebody gets a lead, their service gets better fast enough, if they’ve harnessed all the right levers, until it becomes a real barrier to entry

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