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Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. -Francis Bacon

The Alchemist
What Color Is Your Parachute
Good To Great
Built To Last
The Fifth Discipline
The Circle Of Innovation
The Pursuit of WOW
Competing For The Future
The Practice Of Management
The World Is Flat
The Blue Ocean Strategy
Then We Set His Hair on Fire: Insights and Accidents from a Hall of Fame Career in Advertising
The 7 Habits Of Effective People
Balanced Scorecard
Ethics In Management
Control Your Destiny Or Someone Else Will
The Brand Called You
The Six Sigma Way
Creativity:Unleashing The Forces Within
The Art Of War
The Arthashastra
Awaken The Giant Within
The Magic Of Thinking Big
All Marketers are Liars
Discovery Your Sales Strengths
The Corporation That Changed The World- How thh East INdia company shaped the Modern Multinational

The Hero With A Thousand Faces
Hitchcock’s Notebooks
How To Write a Selling Screenplay
The Panchatantra

The Wisdom Of Crowds
Working With Emotional Intelligence
Ideas and Opinions:Einstein
Born To Win

Wings Of Fire
The Google Story
The Search
The Seven Day Weekend
Straight From Dell
Only Paranoid Survive
Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American
Made In America
Straight From The Gut
Quentin Tarantino:The Man And His Movies
Made In Japan
ICON:Steve Jobs
The Pixar Story
From Pepsi To Apple
The Road Ahead
The Disney Way
The Snowball
Imagining India
Business@The Speed Of Thought
My Experiments With Truth
Losing My Virginity
The Invisible CEO
A Biography of Rahul Dravid:The nice guy who finished first

The Unpublished David Ogilvy
The Monk And The Riddle
Success Vs Joy
The Fred Factor
The Sandbox Wisdom
The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari
Controlling Your Destiny
Raving Fans
The One Minute Manager

The Book Of Man
The Pleasures Of Philosophy
The Supreme Yoga:Yoga Vasishta
The Complete Works Of Swami Vivekananda
Looking Within
Living Within
SaundaryaLahari:An Exposition
The Imitation Of Christ
The Great Dialogues Of Plato
Swami Vivekananda-The Living Vedanta

Kane and Abel
Not A Penny More Not A Penny Less
The Sons Of Fortune
Twelve RedHerrings
First Among Equals
False Impression
The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
To Kill A Mocking Bird
The Day Of The Jackal
The Negotiator
The Da Vinci Code
The Bridges Of Madison County
Five Point Someone
One Night At A Call Center
76 Short Storie:SAKI
The Different Seasons
The Complete Works Of Sherlock Holmes
The Promethus Deception
The Gemini Contenders
Thank You, Jeeves
Uncle Dynamite
The Case Of Ice Cold Hands
The Testamant
A Painted House
The Brethren
The Last Juror
State Of Fear
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
Julius Ceaser
Bourne Identity
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Afghan
The Appeal

The Complete Robot
The Foundation

Life Of Pi
The Alchemy Of Desire
The Ulterior Motive

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