Category Archives: Books

Book Review: “Never Enough” by Andrew Wilkinson

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Andrew Wilkinson’s “Never Enough” is a captivating exploration of the complex interplay between ambition, success, and contentment. Drawing from his personal experiences and extensive knowledge of business titans like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, Wilkinson offers readers a reflective and often humorous take on what it means to have “enough.”

The book opens with a poignant quote from Kurt Vonnegut, setting the tone for a narrative that frequently juxtaposes material success with the elusive feeling of contentment. Wilkinson recounts his early fascination with Steve Jobs and the tech industry, a passion that drove him to predict running Apple Computer by 2035. This youthful dream, underscored by his obsession with biographies and business strategies, laid the groundwork for his entrepreneurial journey.

Wilkinson’s anecdotes about his encounters with notable figures like Charlie Munger provide invaluable insights. Munger’s advice, “You only have to be right once to become very rich,” resonates throughout the book, illustrating the importance of strategic thinking and intellectual curiosity over material indulgence. This theme is further emphasized by Wilkinson’s admiration for Munger’s simple lifestyle and relentless pursuit of knowledge.

A recurring motif in “Never Enough” is the concept of “Lazy Leadership.” Wilkinson argues that a CEO’s role is to design systems and processes that function independently, allowing for scalability without micromanagement. This philosophy is encapsulated in his creation of MetaLab, where he learned to build a business machine that operated efficiently with minimal direct involvement.

Wilkinson’s reflections on wealth and happiness are particularly compelling. He narrates the tension between his father’s optimistic yet anxious demeanor and the practical lessons he imparted, such as the power of compound interest. These personal stories highlight the duality of wealth as both a liberating and burdensome force.

One of the most profound sections of the book deals with the idea of “moats” in business, inspired by Warren Buffett’s investment strategies. Wilkinson’s realization that investing in well-established companies with strong competitive advantages is often more rewarding than building startups from scratch marks a significant shift in his approach to business.

The book also delves into the darker side of business, recounting instances of betrayal and ethical dilemmas. Wilkinson’s experiences with partners and employees reveal the often ruthless nature of the corporate world. Yet, these challenges also underscore the importance of resilience and ethical integrity.

Wilkinson’s candidness about his mistakes and the lessons learned is refreshing. His strategy of embracing “flesh wounds, not mortal wounds” in business decisions emphasizes the value of learning from failures without incurring catastrophic losses. This pragmatic approach is a testament to his belief in calculated risk-taking.

Towards the end, Wilkinson contemplates the true meaning of success and the pursuit of happiness. He reflects on the early career Oscar win of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for “Good Will Hunting,” noting how this early accolade set the stage for them to focus on honing their craft rather than chasing further awards. This perspective, Wilkinson suggests, is crucial for achieving long-term satisfaction and growth in any field.

In alignment with this perspective, Wilkinson’s approach resonates with the philosophy of Chuck Feeney, as outlined in his book “The Billionaire Who Wasn’t.” Feeney’s commitment to giving away his fortune and living a modest life reflects the idea that wealth should be used to make a meaningful impact rather than just to accumulate more. Wilkinson echoes this belief, suggesting that true success lies in contributing positively to society and finding personal fulfillment in doing so, rather than merely amassing wealth.

His reflections on figures like Jiro Ono, who devoted his life to perfecting his craft, contrast sharply with the relentless drive for more wealth. Wilkinson’s musings on the simplicity and satisfaction of focused, meaningful work offer a counterpoint to the high-stakes world of business he describes.

In conclusion, “Never Enough” is a thought-provoking memoir that blends personal anecdotes, business wisdom, and philosophical reflections. Wilkinson’s journey from a starry-eyed tech enthusiast to a seasoned entrepreneur is both inspiring and cautionary. His exploration of what it means to have “enough” challenges readers to reconsider their own definitions of success and contentment. This book is a must-read for anyone navigating the complex landscape of modern entrepreneurship, offering valuable insights into achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.

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The Making of Don: A Riveting Journey with Amitabh Bachchan and Bollywood’s Iconic Classic

“The Making of Don” is a remarkable book that delves into the behind-the-scenes journey of the iconic Bollywood film ‘Don.’ Authored by Krishna Gopalan, this book offers a unique perspective on the making of a classic commercial masala entertainer, which has earned a cult status among audiences.

One of the standout features of this book is its direct access to the film’s director, Chandra Barot, who shares his insights and experiences. This access allows the author to provide readers with an engaging and thrilling narrative filled with twists and turns, much like the film itself.

The book sheds light on the challenges faced during the production of ‘Don.’ It reveals that the film had limited funding, and producer Nariman Irani was in a make-or-break situation. The lead actors, including the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, Zeenat Aman, and Pran, were all busy with other commitments, making scheduling a significant challenge. Despite these obstacles, the team managed to pull together and create a cinematic masterpiece.

What sets ‘The Making of Don’ apart is its ability to uncover lesser-known anecdotes and stories related to the film’s production. Some of these anecdotes include how used sets from other films were repurposed for ‘Don,’ how costumes were sourced from roadside vendors, and how Chandra Barot lost a significant sum of his own money due to unforeseen circumstances.

The book also explores how the very concept of ‘Don’ was initially met with skepticism within the Bollywood industry. It was considered a risky venture, especially given the limited resources available for a film of this scale. Despite the doubts, the team, led by Chandra Barot, persisted and created a cinematic gem.

Moreover, ‘The Making of Don’ provides readers with a glimpse into the personalities and interactions of the cast and crew. It highlights moments such as Amitabh Bachchan’s initial doubts about playing a double role with a villainous streak, Zeenat Aman missing out on the iconic song ‘Main Hoon Don,’ and how Manoj Kumar suggested adding the hit song ‘Khaike Paan Banaras Wala’ in the second half to provide some respite to the audience.

In addition to these behind-the-scenes stories, the book touches on the support the filmmaker received from the film fraternity, including Amitabh Bachchan, who was willing to forgo a significant portion of his remuneration to support the project. The reuse of sets and the dedication of the actors, particularly Amitabh Bachchan, added to the collaborative spirit that made ‘Don’ a remarkable cinematic achievement.

Overall, ‘The Making of Don’ is a must-read for Bollywood enthusiasts and anyone interested in the filmmaking process. It offers a captivating narrative that brings to life the challenges, creativity, and determination that went into creating this timeless classic. With a rating of four stars, it’s evident that this book is a valuable addition to the literature on Bollywood’s cinematic history.”

Unlocking Your Potential: Review and Reflection on ‘Managing Oneself’ by Peter Drucker

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“Managing Oneself” by Peter Drucker is a compelling read that pushes the boundaries of traditional self-help books. The book’s primary focus is on self-management, encouraging readers to identify their strengths and develop an actionable plan to improve their lives.

Discovering Your Strengths

  • The book emphasizes the importance of understanding your strengths as a key to success. 
  • Drucker suggests a feedback analysis method to identify your strengths. This involves writing down your expectations after making a key decision or action and comparing the actual results with these expectations after a certain period. 
  • -This method provides insights into your strengths and areas where you need to improve or acquire new skills.

Focusing on Your Strengths

  • Drucker advises readers to concentrate on improving their strengths and placing themselves in positions where their strengths can produce results. 
  • This approach contrasts with the conventional wisdom of focusing on improving weaknesses. 
  • Instead, Drucker encourages readers to maximize their strengths and minimize the impacts of their weaknesses.

Understanding Your Intellectual Arrogance

  • The book highlights the importance of acquiring skills and knowledge in areas where you are weak.
  • Drucker argues against wasting effort on improving areas of low competence. This advice is particularly relevant in today’s world where interdisciplinary knowledge and skills are increasingly valuable.

Ethics and Values

  • One of the crucial aspects Drucker highlights in the book is the importance of understanding one’s values and ethics.
  • He emphasizes the need to ask oneself, “What kind of person do I want to see in the mirror in the morning?” This question ties into the concept of ethical behavior and the personal values that guide one’s actions.
  • Drucker also discusses the differing values within organizations, stressing that what may be ethical behavior in one situation or organization may not be in another.
  • He uses the example of business strategies focused on short-term results versus those with a long-term focus to illustrate that these choices often reflect underlying values.
  • Recognizing and aligning with these values is crucial, both for individual fulfillment and for effective functioning within an organization.

Taking Responsibility for Relationships

  • Drucker emphasizes the importance of effective communication in managing relationships. 
  • He advocates for taking responsibility for communicating who we are, what we know, and what we want to achieve.

Planning for the Second Half of Your Life

  • Drucker also talks about preparing for the second half of your life, emphasizing that planning should start early.
  • He encourages readers to contemplate their long-term goals and what legacy they want to leave behind.
  • The book also highlights the importance of considering how one can contribute to society and make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, “Managing Oneself” is an insightful and practical guide that encourages readers to understand their strengths, improve their skills, manage their relationships, and plan for their future. Through actionable advice and practical exercises, Drucker has created a timeless classic that remains relevant and useful in today’s fast-paced world.

To apply the principles from “Managing Oneself” and better manage yourself, consider reflecting on and answering the following questions:

  1. What are my strengths? Use feedback analysis to identify your strengths. What do you excel in naturally? What skills or talents do you have that set you apart?
  2. How can I improve my strengths? Once you’ve identified your strengths, consider the ways you can further develop and utilize them. How can you leverage your strengths to achieve your goals?
  3. What are my values? What are the principles that guide your decisions and actions? What do you hold most important in your life?
  4. How do I perform best? Reflect on your past experiences and identify the conditions under which you work most effectively. Are there specific environments, times of day, or methods of working that enhance your performance?
  5. Where do I belong? Consider the type of work environment and company culture where you best fit. Where can you contribute the most and find the greatest satisfaction?
  6. What should I contribute? Reflect on the unique impact you want to make in your work and in the broader world. What kind of difference do you want to make?
  7. How can I take responsibility for my relationships? Consider how you can improve your communication skills and effectively manage your relationships. How can you better understand and leverage the abilities of those you work with?
  8. What are my long-term goals and how do I prepare for the second half of my life? Reflect on your future ambitions and the legacy you want to leave. How can you start planning now for the long term?

By reflecting on these questions and putting the insights you unearth into action, you can become the CEO of your own life and effectively manage yourself for success.

Before starting an assignment, inspired by “Managing Oneself”, ask yourself:

  • What are my strengths? Identify skills and talents relevant to this assignment.
  • How do my values align? Ensure your values match the assignment’s objectives.
  • How can I perform best? Determine strategies to maximize your performance.
  • Do I belong in this assignment? Assess if the assignment fits your skills, interests, and career goals.
  • What unique contribution can I make? Contemplate the distinct impact you can offer.
  • How can I manage relationships? Plan your communication strategies for effective collaboration.

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Amitabh Bachchan in Deewar, before taking up an assignment.