Why Mark Cuban Loves Email

“I try to drive everything to email for a couple reasons,” Cuban says. “One, I can do it any time of the night. Two, it gives me a tickler file of all the things I’m doing, what’s undone or unread, I try to keep those to under 30. And three, if someone emailed me ten, fifteen, twenety years ago, I still have it… I can go back and look it up and figure out what we talked about. That makes me even more productive. In a  work at home environment, with everyone using email and the cloud… I try to encourage people to do it the same way.”

Complete article here–>

Facebook, Google Could Lose Over $44 Billion in Ad Revenue in 2020 Because of Coronavirus

Ad spending is falling off a cliff amid the COVID-19 pandemic — and Facebook and Google, the two heavyweights in digital advertising, are expected to bear the brunt of the downturn in terms of sheer dollars lost.

The two internet giants together could see more than $44 billion in worldwide ad revenue evaporate in 2020, Cowen & Co. analysts estimate. That said, both Google and Facebook will continue to be massively profitable even with double-digit revenue drops.

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