The Unsinkable Maddie Stone…

EVEN WITH A knee injury, Maddie Stone is formidable. As she sets up to do modified circuits at her San Francisco Olympic weightlifting gym—essentially a glorified garage and driveway that have been converted into an indoor/outdoor workout space—she’s totally at ease, even gleeful despite the chilly January fog. I joke nervously that if I end up puking in a trash can while Maddie is crushing reps, it’ll at least make for a good anecdote. Casually setting the clips on her loaded barbell she flashes one of her trademark grins. “You could probably make it happen!”

Complete article here–>

Sri Bhagat Mahalsapati and money…

Baba never, in fact, actually begged any money, nor allowed His Bhaktas to beg. Heregarded money as a danger or bar to spiritual progress and did not allow His Bhaktas to fall into its clutches. Bhagat Mhalsapati, is an instance on this point. He was very poor and could hardly make both ends meet. Baba never allowed him to make any money, nor gave him anything from the Dakshina amount. Once a kind and liberal merchant named Hansaraj gave a large amount of money to Mhalsapati in Baba’s presence, but Baba did not allow him to accept it.

From Sai SatCharitra- Chapter 36

Above is an interesting aspect of Shirdi Sai Baba’s grace. Usually we attribute a guru’s or God’s blessings in terms of what is given but what is not denied…especially worldly things. We do find instances where a person is tested with wealth etc by the Guru or God, to know what the devotee’s true intentions are (like Lord Yama does to Nachiketha in Katha Upanishad), but this is probably only one instance where the Guru out-rightly decides for his disciple.

Sai Satcharitra is replete with such examples, where Shirdi Sai Baba in his unique way takes care of his disciples and their problems…and most importantly puts them on the path of higher revelations.

related links:

Sri Bhagat Mahalsapathi

Marc Andreessen: On books…

What I’ve discovered is the number of people who can write something in the middle zone – when they’re trying to explain something that happened last week, month, a year or even a decade – and who I trust to actually give me an objective read on the situation is just a really, really short list. There’s a handful but there aren’t very many.We have one situation currently – what’s literally happening right now [with COVID-19]. Coronavirus is one where everyday I’m looking at all the science and all the economics because these are critical issues. And I’m trying to avoid all the commentary and all of the interpretation. 
And then the other, as you said, there’s just a very large amount of timeless stuff that really has been proven right over time. You could spend your entire life only reading timeless works which is what smart people used to do.

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