Why Are 2 Million People Still Getting Netflix DVDs by Mail?

But Eric, now aged 41, kept on getting DVDs and Blu-Rays by mail—sometimes he watched them and sent them back quickly, other times they sat unopened for months. For most of us, the idea of deciding you want to watch a film, and then waiting for a rental copy to be physically mailed to you seems almost comically quaint. But Eric is far from alone. Of all the huge numbers marking out Netflix’s rapid growth, perhaps this is the most surprising: There are still more than 2 million people in the United States getting Netflix DVDs by post.

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Netflix and its battle for India

Keep it simple. As simple as pasta and tomatoes. That, in a nutshell, is the philosophy followed by Reed Hastings, the billionaire founder and co-CEO of Netflix. Here’s the other, complementary part of his philosophy, for life and work: Do a few things but do them extremely well.

Hastings knows a thing or two about doing something extremely well. And with maximum impact. After all, streaming giant Netflix, No.16 on Fortune’s list of the World’s Most Admired Companies in 2020, with revenue of over $25 billion, has revolutionised the entertainment industry in its over two-decade-long existence. It has introduced viewers to varied content in over 190 countries and has also managed to pick up a few Oscars and Emmys along the way.

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