Ajith’s ‘Aata Arambham’…2 min read

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Youtube has a content management system(CMS) that allows movie producers to upload a reference file of their work and apply a policy to the user uploaded files. The content producers can either choose to monetize such ‘claimed’ videos by allowing Youtube to play advertisements in these videos or simply take down such content.

Wonder what would happen if such a CMS comes into vogue for copyright management of films worldwide. What if a content clearance exchange with such fingerprinting system  is used before a film hits distribution channels. Guess, most of our films would never make out of this exchange ‘claim’ free.

‘Aata Arambham’ a Tamil dubbed film that has a quite few inspirations (aka claims) at the ‘clip’ level. Let it be the first hacking scene which is nicely adapted from ‘Swordfish’ or the iron box scene from ‘Pride and Glory’ or the (very diluted) Dubai hacking scene from ‘Mission Imposisble: Ghost Protocol’…and many more that might have slipped my CMS would have made it to this movie directed by Vishnuvardhan.

Swordfish: Interview 

Swordfish: Before climax

Iron box scene from ‘Pride and Glory’


If you leave the CMS aspect, the movie works for the most part primarily because of its pace and main cast. The second half sags under the weight of a predictable flashback episode but the director makes amends towards the climax. Ajith carries the film on his portly self, and the rest of the cast support him adequately. Yuvan Shankar Raja’s background score is a definite plus (Ajith’s theme though appears a bit monotonous and could have had a few variations).

VFX are not upto the mark specially in the blast scenes and with all the progress in this domain, one would definitely expect more. Also glaring is the inconsistency in appearance of Ajith and Rana, which might be due to the long shooting schedules and other projects?

Speaking of which, Rana who is introduced in the beginning of the movie, in what might be his ‘Bahubali’ getup, suddenly sports a trimmed look. Now this wouldn’t look so odd, had it not happened in the middle of a commando operation on the lines of ‘The Raid: Redemption’.



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