..and a few hours of troubleshooting

In the late 90s, the word troubleshooting was synonymous with Microsoft Technet discs, as most of our work was related to MS platforms. Microsoft on its part was pretty systematic in terms of publishing all the related updates, support information that was the first goto for anyone who had to troubleshoot.
Cut to 2021. It is all on the internet now and even if you had to find about a glitch/issue about Google Search, you can use Google search.
Well, I had a problem with Google sheets and it costed me a couple of hours.
I created a sheet a few months back and I am the owner plus only one with access. I open and edit it on multiple devices and suddenly I started receiving the above error. I spent a few hours on the internet via google, and tried out everything, but of no avail. Google Sheets allowed me to change the permissions (gave access to my other email id and tried to open) and other properties but it was not accessible on Desktop and not editable on other devices.(On Android mobile, the error was about a chnage in permissions!)
So I did the following.
- As I was able to open the sheet in iPad, copied all the content onto a blank sheet and kept in reserve.
- Made sure the above was accessible and editable on multiple devices.
- Renamed the one I am unable to open. And voila it worked.
While I love the internet, and the myriad of options, I do miss the structure of Tech Net, both the offline disc and online versions.