The Spy Who Loved Me…2 min read

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Story telling is an art. And a few are born with it. If you encounter such raconteurs at a very early age they leave an indelible impressions. I met quite a few in my childhood. Few were in the family and a few were friends. It was a childhood friend that first introduced me to the movie ‘The spy who loved me’.

Just after a day or two watching the film, he narrated the opening scene of the movie with such fervor that I still recall his expansive gestures (XBox Kinetic syle) to show me how Mr.Bond, steered his way through the deadly snow slopes and enemies, and finally made that incredible jump of the cliff. Wow! is what I thought back then and the background music from his mouth still rings in my ear 🙂

For a small kid, with no money in the pocket, and a distant ride to the theatre where this movie played, it was a show like no other. I finally get to watch this film on a Blu-ray, after three decades 🙂


The movie doesn’t disappoint with all the Bondesque elements in place. The film looks dated when it comes to the VFX department, considering it was made sometime back. But it more than compensates in the production design department, with elaborate sets and art work. Apparently, MGM set up a new studio stage, which was the largest in those times, which was used for creating a gala press event.


The blu-ray has some excellent making videos, the best is the one featuring Ken Adam, the production designer of the film.  He explains in detail the process involved in breakthrough sets for the film, with a special emphasis on the set used for the climax. All, in all a great watch.

 Tailpiece 1: The incredible jump from the cliff is performed by stuntman Rick Sylvesters, and there’s nice video in the blu-ray narrating his feat rather nochalantly, in James Bond’s style. 🙂

Tail piece 2: When the crew was upset because of the horrible food in Egypt, Broccoli had an refrigerated truck with food brought from England. However, someone forgot to turn on the freezer, so all the food was inedible. Producer Albert R. Broccoli jumped into action and took a jeep and some crew, went into town and got some tomatoes, pots, pans and pasta was flown in from Cairo. Broccoli, well known as an amateur chef at home, cooked up a feast for the cast and crew, served by him and Roger Moore. The crew applauded the meal. A sign was painted in the mess-room: “Trattoria Broccoli.” Trattoria is the Italian word for “simpler” restaurant. Broccoli had Italian parents.

Related links:

Stuntman Rick Sylvesters personal account of the Ski Jump in THE SPY WHO LOVED ME
Cubby Broccoli and Roger Moore (James Bond) serve pasta to THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) crew

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