In the early 80s, when Doordarshan was the sole television channel in India, the airwaves were a far cry from today’s multimedia landscape. News bulletins were a rarity, and the All India Radio (AIR) was a trusted source of information. However, amidst the limited programming, Doordarshan managed to captivate audiences with exceptional shows, one of which was a program featuring Ushasri garu and the enigmatic discussion on ‘Dharma Sandehalu.’ What made this program truly exceptional was the participation of luminaries like Viswanadha Pavana Sastry, the son of the legendary Kavi Samrat Viswanadha Satyanarayana, who posed thought-provoking questions to Ushasri garu, sparking engaging discussions.
In a stroke of luck, I stumbled upon a brief video where Ushasri garu extolled the exceptional communication qualities of Lord Hanuman.

Within this discussion, we find profound insights into the art of effective communication and the principle of sound, both of which have timeless relevance.
The Five Principles of Effective Communication:
In the excerpt, Ushasri garu elaborated on the concept of ‘Shabdha Brahman,’ focusing on Lord Hanuman and the ‘Shabda Tatva,’ the Principle of Sound. Here are the five principles of effective communication that he derived from this:
- Avistaram – Just say what happened: In the world of communication, clarity is paramount. The first principle, Avistaram, urges us to convey information straightforwardly without embellishment or distortion.
- Asandigdham – Say it clearly without being embarrassed or confused: Confusion or embarrassment can muddle the message. Asandigdham encourages us to speak with confidence and certainty.
- Avalambitam – Say it without digressing or stretching beyond context: Staying on point is crucial. Avalambitam advises us to avoid unnecessary tangents and focus on the relevant information.
- Avyadham – Say it audibly and pleasing to ears: Audibility and clarity go hand in hand. Avyadham reminds us to articulate our thoughts audibly and in a manner that is pleasant to the listener.
These principles offer a timeless guide for effective communication in any context. They remind us that communication is not merely about speaking but also about how we convey our thoughts and ideas.
In summary, these principles emphasize the importance of knowing when, where, how much, with whom, and how to speak. They discourage the use of unacceptable language or expressions, highlighting that as humans, we possess the unique gift of speech, which should be wielded responsibly and thoughtfully.

Lord Hanuman: A Divine Example of Humility and Service
Beyond his communication prowess, Lord Hanuman stands as a profound symbol of humility and service. Despite possessing the power and capacity to be a king, he remained in the background to assist Sugreeva and Angada. And when he met Lord Rama, he chose to serve him selflessly. These decisions reflects his unwavering commitment to a higher purpose and his willingness to play a supporting role rather than seeking personal glory.
It’s worth noting that Lord Hanuman is revered as Chiranjeevi, an immortal being, and is considered a deity who is perpetually in meditation. This divine meditation signifies his eternal connection to the spiritual realm, a testament to his unwavering devotion.
In today’s world, where political leaders often prioritize personal gain over public service, the example of Lord Hanuman’s humility and selflessness serves as an inspiration. His devotion to a higher cause, combined with his exceptional communication skills, offers a blueprint for leaders who aspire to serve others before themselves.
In conclusion, the echoes of Lord Hanuman’s wisdom on communication and his profound lessons on humility and service continue to resonate across generations. In a world filled with noise and distractions, we can draw inspiration from these timeless principles and strive to communicate effectively and selflessly, just as the revered Lord Hanuman did.