Swiggy delivers over 500 million orders a year1 min read

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Calling out the market opportunity that Swiggy is looking to tap, Majety said: “All of India has 2 lakh restaurants, compared to 3 lakh restaurants in Beijing alone. In India, 10-15 meals per month are eaten outside the home, of which 50-60 per cent is delivery. Compare this with other geographies such as the US, China or South-East Asia, where people eat outside food more than 50 times a month, as the supply ecosystem supports demand for high quality, affordable food options in these markets. Once the ecosystem catches up in India over the next 10-15 years, Indians will eat 40-50 meals per month outside, of which 70-80 per cent will be delivery. That’s the opportunity we are looking to address. We will work with partners to provide high quality food at Rs 120–Rs 130 a meal.”

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