Spike Lee: Tech is a double-edge sword in filmmaking1 min read

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Acclaimed film director Spike Lee grabbed the tech spotlight last week by launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for his next feature film. He has until August 21 to meet his goal of raising $1.25 million.
He’s getting there, slowly, with help from some incentive giveaways at the higher donation levels. So far, 1,700 donors have pledged $311,000. At the $10,000 donor level, he’s offering dinner and one of his courtside Knicks seats. He revealed that one of the $10,000 donors (there are 14 so far) is fellow filmmaker Steven Soderbergh.

The campaign is offering “some fly awards” as fund-raising incentives, Lee said. A $10,000 donation, for example, gets the donor a courtside seat with Lee — a well-known NBA fan — for a New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden. A $5,000 pledge gets the donor associate producer creds. $1,000 gets the donor a part in the film as an extra. And for $750, he or she receives a pair of shoes Lee has worn.

And to all donors, Lee offers this: “I promise you, my hand to God, on my mother’s grave, every red cent every wooden nickel will go up on the screen.”

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