Indiana Jones and what?1 min read

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The latest extension of Indiana Jones trilogy is a sort of tribute to all the
indy films we have seen till date. Understandably the film feels a little
haggard, owing to the contribution of seniors(George Lucas, Steven Spielberg,
Harrison Ford, Karen Allen).

However, for the diehards the moments are there and the scale compensates
for the flaws. When it comes to VFX and mechanical effects, the film raises
the bar yet again true to the reputation of Lucas and Spielberg.

Harrison Ford returns to the role almost after two decades and it takes
a while before we get used to his Jones Sr.act. Cate Blanchet is wasted
in a role that requires her to be more physcially agile and she falls short of it.

But if you are an Indy fan like me, go ahead and watch the film. Infact,
just enjoy the similarities to all the films so far:) You could also play around
with the scenic order. How about if the film started with the Jones Sr.
as a Professor in Princeton first and then transport him to the field like
last film ‘IndianaJones and the last Crusade’?

Related Links

Variety on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

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