Gone Girl1 min read

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Some movies benefit from star power and some sag under their weight.

Gone Girl falls in to the first category. David Fincher, Ben Afleck and Rosamund Pike contribute their bit and rescue ‘Gone Girl’  from the stigma of a B-grade film. It has enough twists to keep you hooked on till the end, and the unexpected ending though sounds abrupt, differentiates this film from other domestic thrillers.

Rosamund Pike deserves a special mention and she she plays her character to perfection…almost a ‘Meryl Streep’esque performance.

The subtexts about marriage and love though do not contribute much to the thriller aspect of the movie, does leave you wonder  if crime were behind every fortune and some marriages 🙂

Movies I was reminded of: Body Heat, Fatal Attraction, Sleeping with the enemy, What Lies Beneath, Geethanjali (Manitrathnam), Unfaithful, Chinatown, Mr.and Mrs.Smith, The Others, Jagged Edge, 8 Million Ways to Die.


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