Disruptors: Jeffrey Katzenberg – Exclusive Interview1 min read

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In the world that surrounds me, Bob Iger, Ted Sarandos, Tim Cook and Eddie Cue, Jeff Bezos. These are the greatest of them all. And one that I had a very bumpy relationship with was Steve Jobs. I made that very first deal for Pixar at Disney, the three picture deal that started with Toy Story. And I don’t know how many people this is true of, I’m told it’s not a lot, that in Steve Jobs’ world, people fell into one of two categories. You either were a shithead or a genius, and I had the distinction of having been both several times. I’m told that usually when you’re a shithead you never recover. And those were literally the words. I kind of ping ponged back and forth. No question [Steve Jobs was] brilliant, inspiring.

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