Dharavi Google1 min read

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People who know him have stopped using Google. “They just call me up,” says Rajesh Prabhakar, breaking into a wide smile. The “researcher” is amused at how locals in Dharavi, where he was born and has spent most of his life, expect him to know minute details about train schedules or school admissions. His real expertise lies in guiding crews of international news and documentary films around in one of the world’s largest slums. But to residents of the area, it may seem that a man who speaks flawless English and mingles with foreigners would, like the most popular search engine, have all the answers.

Here is the link to complete article in Business Standard

Interestingly, in the critically acclaimed novel ‘Shantaram’ there is a character by the name Prabhaker who guides the hero into the slums of Mumbai.

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