Digital video is an area Nair would like to see Balaji grow into1 min read

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The future can well be this: 10 million people are willing to pay you $2 for 26 episodes of a top-quality show. That’s Rs.120 crore. Even if you split that, it’s a good amount. At this point, it all sounds like we are smoking something but Netflix has already done it”

So digital video is an area Nair would like to see Balaji grow into, over the next two-three years. He is also looking at sports programming through ownership of a team, perhaps in kabaddi or football. “Creating programming surrounding alternative sports could be an option too,” he says, adding that there is no concrete plan yet. “We are going to look to collaborate now. We have got our strengths but we want to do more things. We want to grow the company—grow it tenfold, for argument’s sake,” he says.

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