Understanding Emotions and the Self: Insights from Indian Psycho-Philosophy and the ‘Rain man’ Movie

Higher self as compass: generated by author using DALL.E.3

Emotions are a fundamental part of our human experience. They are the internal weather that shapes our days, influencing our decisions, actions, and interactions. But what if we told you that emotions are not directives, but signals? And that understanding this distinction can lead to a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth? Let’s explore this concept further, drawing on the wisdom of ancient Indian psycho-philosophy, the concept of Nishkama Karma, and the narrative of the movie “Rainman”.

Emotions as Signals

Emotions, whether they are anger and jealousy (associated with the Lower Self) or peace and joy (associated with the Higher Self), are signals. They are not meant to dictate our actions but to inform us. They are like the changing weather, not always within our control, but always providing us with valuable information about our internal state. The key is to recognize these signals, understand their source, and respond thoughtfully rather than impulsively

Lower Self and Higher Self

According to Indian psycho-philosophy, the Lower Self is our connection to the external world, driven by deficits and insecurities. It is the part of us that is mean, fearful, and small. On the other hand, the Higher Self is our connection to the internal world, the source within us. It is eternally perfect, constantly blissful, completely autonomous, and identical with the higher self of all others. The challenge lies in recognizing the signals from our Lower Self, understanding their source, and choosing to respond from our Higher Self.

Nishkama Karma: The Art of Detached Action

Nishkama Karma, a concept from the Bhagavad Gita, teaches us to perform our duties without attachment to the outcome. It encourages us to accept both success and failure with equanimity. This concept aligns closely with the idea of responding thoughtfully rather than impulsively to our emotions. It’s about doing what needs to be done, without worrying about the results. This is an essential aspect of moving from the Lower Self to the Higher Self.

Lessons from the Silver Screen: The ‘Rain Man’ Movie

The movie “Rain man” provides a powerful illustration of these concepts. Charlie Babbitt, the main character, initially allows his Lower Self, driven by greed and resentment, to dictate his actions. But as he spends time with his brother Raymond, who has savant syndrome and autism, he begins to understand and appreciate him.

This leads to a pivotal moment of reflection, where Charlie chooses to value their relationship over money. He moves from his Lower Self to his Higher Self, responding thoughtfully rather than impulsively. It’s a powerful example of emotional intelligence in action.

Wrapping Up

Interpreting emotions as signals and not directives, distinguishing between the Lower Self and the Higher Self, implementing the principles of Nishkama Karma, and extracting lessons from narratives such as the Rainman movie can offer intriguing insights into our own selves. This exploration may not always be straightforward and may require some resilience. However, it can lead to a more nuanced understanding of ourselves and a refreshed perspective on how we interact with the world.

Related Links:

My response to Adam Grant Tweet

Emotions Table derived from the concepts in “Management by Human Values” by Sri SK Chakraborty (Attended this course in 2001)

EmotionGunaSelfType of KarmaRelated Indian Philosophical Concept
AngerRajasLower SelfSakama KarmaKrodha (Anger)
EnvyTamasLower SelfVikarmaIrshya (Envy)
JealousyRajasLower SelfSakama KarmaMatsarya (Jealousy)
LustTamasLower SelfVikarmaKama (Desire)
CompassionSattvaHigher SelfNishkama KarmaDaya (Compassion)
JoySattvaHigher SelfNishkama KarmaAnanda (Joy)
PeaceSattvaHigher SelfNishkama KarmaShanti (Peace)
LoveSattvaHigher SelfNishkama KarmaPrema (Love)
Emotions Table

Amitabh Bachchan and Christian Perspectives: A Study in Work Ethic and Interfaith Support

Amitabh Bachchan’s Work Ethic: A Testament to Professionalism

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Amitabh Bachchan, a legendary figure in Bollywood, is renowned for his exceptional work ethic. His punctuality and professionalism are often highlighted as key aspects of his success. In an anecdote shared by ad guru Prahlad Kakkar, Amitabh’s punctuality was so profound that it left a film crew traumatized due to his early arrival and nonchalant attitude.

Imagine the scene: The crew is casually setting up, expecting the star of the show to arrive fashionably late as per usual Bollywood standards. Suddenly, Amitabh Bachchan strides in, hours before his call time, ready to work. The crew is caught off guard, scrambling to get everything ready. Prahlad Kakkar, witnessing this, is both amazed and slightly terrified at the sheer dedication and time management skills of this superstar. It’s a comedic scenario, with a profound message about professionalism.

Web link: Amitabh Bachchan was so punctual, he wordlessly traumatised a film crew to the point that they didn’t sleep all night: Prahlad Kakkar recalls anecdote

A Christian Perspective on Interfaith Support

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In the Christian faith, there is a strong emphasis on interfaith support. This is based on the belief in an all-encompassing God, which encourages respect and support for individuals of different faiths.

This perspective is beautifully articulated in an article titled “Understanding Interfaith Support: A Christian’s Perspective on the Ram Mandir”. The author emphasizes the belief in an all-encompassing God and encourages respect and support for individuals of different faiths.

Web link: Why, as a Christian, I support the Ram Mandir | The Indian Express

The Future of Telugu GPTs: What to Expect

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GPTs, short for Generative Pretrained Transformers, are like personalized versions of ChatGPT. Users can set them up to do specific tasks or talk about certain topics. This is done by giving instructions, adding knowledge, and choosing what the GPT can do. The best part is, you don’t need to know how to code to do this. This makes it a handy tool for experts in all sorts of fields.

To create a GPT, users chat with the GPT Builder in ChatGPT. They give instructions and upload files to build its knowledge base. They can also choose what the GPT is capable of, like searching the web, making images, or analysing data. GPTs can do all sorts of things, from helping with work or study, to entertaining users.

OpenAI has also launched a GPT Store. Here, creators can show off their GPTs and possibly earn money based on how much they’re used by the community. The GPT Store is a place where users can find and access different GPTs that meet their needs. Plus, business customers can make GPTs that are only for internal use. These can be tailored to specific business needs or departments.

Link to GPT store: https://chat.openai.com/gpts (ChatGPT Plus subscription is needed)

Source: GPT Store, Open AI

When you look up “Telugu” in the GPT store, here’s what you find.

Source: GPT Store, Open AI

Randomly I checked, Tollywood Insider. It got it right the second time.

Source: Tollywood Insider GPT

Second was Vemana Vidya GPT.

Source: Vemana Vidya GPT
Source: Vemana Vidya GPT

After checking a few others, it seems that most of these GPTs use the same training data and internet browsing ability as ChatGPT, but they don’t include any custom knowledge or actions. 

But this is just the start. We expect that Telugu GPTs will get better and do more in the future. As more people use the GPT Builder, we might see more GPTs that are made for specific things. This could include GPTs for learning Telugu, making Telugu movie scripts, or teaching different subjects in Telugu. The possibilities are endless!

About the author: Lakshmi narayana is a business writer and a keen follower of AI and ML developments. He leads the new digital initiatives at RTPL and tracks AI trends globally and in India. You can get in touch with him at lakshminarayana@ntvtelugu.com