Theliyaleru Rama

Theliyaleru Rama

Ragam: Dhenuka
Talam: Adi
Rendition: Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna

Theliyaleru Raama Bhakti Margamunu

Ilanantata Dirugucunu Kaluvarincheru Gaani

Vegalechi Nita Munigi Bhuti Pusi
Vellanenchi Veliki Slaghaneeyulai
Baaga Paika Maarjana Lolurai
Re Gaani Tyaaga Raaja Vinuta

MEANING:O Rama, we do not know the path of devotion!
Men in this whole world only roam about, unconsciously, unaware of the path of devotion.

They get up at dawn, and speedily take a holy dip, put on ‘vibhuti’ and count the beads appearing to be spiritual and religious, while the mind devises schemes to make money by hook or crook.

Adobe’s Flash

When Adobe Chief Executive Bruce Chizen picked up Flash developer Macromedia (nasdaq: MACR – news – people ) for $3.4 billion in stock last year, its latest version–Flash 8–was just launching. The update pledged much-higher-quality video than previous editions, thanks to a new movie-compression method from a small company called On2. What followed was a deluge of interest, pushing Flash ahead of video-streaming pioneers RealNetworks (nasdaq: RNWK – news – people ) and QuickTime-developer Apple Computer (nasdaq: AAPL – news – people ).

Does it mean Flash has a head start in the growing online video market, which is estimated to be a US $1.7 billion by 2010.  Forbesonline has more on Adobe’s new acquisition–Flash.

What really differentiates us is our focus on search. Other companies are partnering with content companies and launching wi-fi networks. But we’re not building a rocket ship. We’re building a better car. It’s not what people will want in five years. It’s what they want now.
   Jim Lanzone,’s CEO

David Kirkpatrick, FORTUNE senior editor, has more on According to him at users get content first and the rest next, inlcuding the revenue generating ads. And the content in search results is rich compared to Google. Check this claim with the keyword ‘Google’ in and ‘ask’ in Hmm…you get his point right away:-)