Reservoir Dogs4 min read

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Quentin Tarantino redefined Pulp, rather literally. He made films drawing from his vast knowledge on films he watched and some as an ode to them as well. ‘Reservoir Dogs’, his first major film is a tribute to all the heist films that came before him, and is a great time pass watch.

Here is a terrific piece of dialogue that talks about personal experience and details that add the real flavor to story/screenwriting.

What's this?
It's a scene.  Memorize it.
A undercover cop has got to be Marlon Brando.  To do this job you got to be a great actor. You got to be naturalistic. You got to be naturalistic as hell. If you       ain't a great actor you're a bad actor, and bad acting is bull shit in this job.
(referring to the papers)                 
But what is this?
It's a amusing anecdote about a drug deal.
Something funny that happened to you while you were doing a job.
I gotta memorize all this shit?
It's like a joke.  You remember what's important, and the rest you                 make your own.  The only way to make it your own is to keep sayin                 it, and sayin it, and sayin it, and sayin it, and sayin it.
I can do that.
The things you gotta remember are the details.  It's the details                 that sell your story.  Now this story takes place in this men's room.  
So you gotta know the details about this men's room.                 
You gotta know they got a blower instead of a towel to dry your                 hands.You gotta know the stalls ain't got no doors. 
You gotta know whether they got liquid or powdered soap, whether they got            hot water or not, 'cause if you do your job when you tell your story,               everybody should believe it.  And if you tell your story to somebody                 who's actually taken a piss in this men's room, and you get one                 detail they remember right, they'll swear by you.

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