ERPMS-A primer

Elected representatives all over the country are the pillars of democracy and are the primary interfaces with the public administration. These representatives play a very important role in the overall governance and hence should be a part of any e-governance initiatives. However, while there are several solutions that are deployed or being developed as a part of the state and central e-governance initiatives, there is no software that automates the functions and processes of these representatives. The lack of such software puts the elected representatives in a certain disadvantage, as they do not have real-time information about their constituency.

Elected Representatives Process management system (ERPMS) aims to fill that gap and bring the representatives to the forefront of e-governance initiatives. This not only allow the representatives to stay in touch with their constituents but also gives a fillip to the overall e-Governance initiatives as they are the key stakeholders in policy making process.

ERPMS is a comprehensive system
· It automates the entire back-office of an elected representative from his/her electoral segment point of view
· It offers a comprehensive tracking, reporting and performance management system
· It becomes a 24×7 virtual interface to the constituents and the elected representatives providing the 3Cs—content, communication and collaboration
· It captures all the data related to the day to day functioning and offers analysis for future planning and decision-making.


Features of ERPMS

· Issue/Request/Grievance management

o Reference through Unique ID
o Complete life cycle attachment
o Village level analysis drilled down from constituency level
o Request type Analysis
o Request status Analysis—Open, Closed, Pending and Delayed
o Constituent based Analysis
o Vertical Collaboration- Constituents and Elected Representatives

· Tracking and monitoring of the schemes
o Top down and bottoms up planning
o Measures based monitoring

· Knowledge management
o Process centric knowledge storing and retrieval
o E-mails, reports, Surveys etc.

· Team communication
o Organization chart based calendar
o E-mail
o Alerts

· Employee/Team management
o Profiles
o Performance measurement

· Process centric collaboration
o Vertical Collaboration-Constituents and Elected Representatives

· Information center
o Information catalogue

· Feedback and Learning
o Survey forms
o Survey analysis, the core of ERPMS, is a product of several years of research and development, was developed and designed with the user in mind—ensuring user satisfaction and rapid adoption by both power and novice use.

Softrack is a 100% web based application on .net® platform
With the organizations can
· Capture all the data resulting out of the business functions.
· Fix measures across the organization at all levels (both process and person)in line with the business goals.
· Monitor the organization’s performance (both process and person) real-time.
· Generate variety of reports.
· Receive personalized alerts on the measures set.
· Create a knowledge repository for future use.

Once installed on a Windows Server, anyone within the’s network can enter data and view reports. If the server is hosted on the Internet, the same power is available to all the privileged users. Incidentally, is ranked one of the top 10 .net® solutions in India. This speaks volumes about the technology depth of and its adherence to the .NET® technology framework.

More details at

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