Category Archives: Spirituality

Meditation is intelligence

People who are in some ways creative are always easily transformed into meditators, and people who are uncreative in their life are the most difficult. If you live a repetitive life the mind has too much control over you – you cannot move away from it, you are afraid. Do something new every day. Don’t listen to the old routine. In fact, if the mind says something tell it, “This we have been doing always. Now let us do something else.”

More at Osho Meditation

Telisi rAma chintana

telisi rAma cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE O manasA

telisi rAma chintana
Raga : pUrNa candrika
Tala : Adi
Composer : Thyagaraja


telisi rAma cintanatO nAmamu sEyavE O manasA


talapul(a)nni nilipi nimiSham(ai)na tAraka rUpuni nija tatvamulanu (telisi)


1. rAmA(y)ana capal(A)kShula pEru kAm(A)dula pOru vAru vEru
rAmA(y)ana brahmamunaku pEru A mAnava janan(A)rtulu dIru (telisi)

2. arkam(a)nucu jilleDu taru pEru markaTa buddhul(e)TTu dIru
arkuD(a)nucu bhAskaruniki pEru kutarkam(a)neDu andhakAramu dIru (telisi)

3. ajam(a)nucu mEShamunaku pEru nija kOrikal(E)lAg(I)DEru
ajuD(a)ni vAg(I)Svaruniki pEru vijayamu galgunu tyAgarAja nutuni (telisi)

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Thyagaraja Vaibhavam

Field Medal? No, thanks

You don’t hear a such a big ‘No’ often.
And, it came from Grigory Perelman, the mathematician, when he gave the Field Medal a big miss.The same Field Medal which is described as the Nobel Prize in Mathematics, given every four years the best brains under 40 years of age.

But how could anyone say to such a recognition to one’s life long efforts? Is genius not meant to be rewarded? Can we understand Perelman at all? Or is he pretty much like a hundred-year-old mathematical problem that only he can solve?

Often dubbed as a reclusive mathematician, Perelman might have considered it too much of a distraction and an unwanted interference in his work.

Mm…Let’s look at what he had to say after proving the Poincare conjecture, which he did not even mention to anyone.

This was a famous problem. Some people needed time to get accustomed to the fact that it was no longer a conjecture.

Sometimes, for a change, greatness chooses to be simple and unnoticed.

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