Finding Depth in Devotion: The Untold Beauty of Annapoorneshwari Devi and Adi Bhikshuvu

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The Catalyst: Mantrabalam on NTV

This morning, I found myself glued to an episode of ‘Mantrabalam‘ on NTV, which turned out to be an illuminating spiritual journey. The program delved deep into the adornments and significances of Annapoorneswari Devi during the annual Navaratri festival. It was a refreshing pause from our busy lives, as it beckoned us to look beyond mere rituals and appreciate the profound philosophy underlying these age-old practices.

Lord Shiva as Adi Bhikshuvu: A New Understanding

What struck me most was the detailed explanation of why Lord Shiva is known as Adi Bhikshuvu. The moniker has a captivating backstory: Lord Shiva receives devotion and the six inner enemies—known as arishadvargas—of his devotees, offering ‘Mukthi’ (Freedom/Salvation) in return. This beautiful exchange is symbolically captured in the image of Lord Shiva holding a begging bowl, standing next to Goddess Parvati adorned as Annapoorneshwari Devi.

The Act of Annadanam

The presenter eloquently tied this imagery into the act of annadanam, the giving of food. The concept here is fascinating: anyone who is hungry is an embodiment of Lord Shiva, making the act exceptionally dear to Goddess Parvati. This is a principle that transcends individual faiths and can be found echoed in the teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba.

The Necessity of Spiritual Insight

It’s not uncommon for us to be engrossed in the technicalities and lose sight of the spiritual richness these rituals offer. Mantrabalam reminds us to pause and rediscover the essence of these practices, restoring them from mere actions to acts filled with meaning.

Exploring Further: From Varanasi to Hornadu

If your interest is piqued, I recommend diving into the fascinating story of Goddess Annapurna and Varanasi. Additionally, Hornadu’s temple in Karnataka is a must-visit for anyone wishing to experience the grandeur of Annapoorneshwari Devi. According to lore, the idol at this temple was installed by Adi Sankara himself. For those of us closer to Hyderabad, the divine sight of Lord Shiva next to Goddess Parvati can be witnessed in Vijayawada’s Kanakadurga temple.

October 17, 2023: Bhakthi TV, 7:36am

Reflecting During Navaratri

As Navaratri festivities unfold and many of us engage in fasting and other rituals, let’s pause and think about those who are fasting not by choice, but by necessity. This is an opportunity for us to make a difference, however small it may seem. One way to contribute is by supporting noble initiatives like Akshayapatra by ISKCON.


As we navigate through our busy lives, sometimes all we need is a small nudge to remind us of the deeper spiritual truths that can enrich our existence. Whether through a television program like Mantrabalam or through our own discoveries, let us strive to find depth in our devotion, not just during Navaratri but all year round.

Sai Baba’s Wisdom in the Modern World: The Art of Rewarding Hard Work

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The teachings of Sai Baba, a revered saint who lived in the small town of Shirdi in the 19th century, have a timeless quality. One such teaching focuses on the concept of rewarding hard work—not just in terms of financial compensation but also in spiritual and emotional terms. His wisdom on this subject remains relevant today, as evidenced by real-life incidents that echo his profound philosophy. In this article, we’ll explore how Sai Baba’s teachings find resonance in contemporary experiences and continue to guide us in appreciating the multi-faceted value of labor.

The Sai Baba Perspective

Sai Baba of Shirdi believed in the intrinsic value of hard work combined with sincerity and devotion. His philosophy emphasized that rewards should not merely be proportionate to the apparent effort involved but should also account for the intangible aspects like sincerity, purity of intent, and devotion. In a particularly striking incident involving the construction of the Dwarkamai mosque, Sai Baba generously rewarded laborers for their hard work. When questioned about the disproportionately large reward for seemingly simple tasks, Sai Baba elucidated that the laborers were not just leveling grounds but were also deeply engrossed in spiritual chanting. This holistic approach to hard work and rewards sets the tone for how we can apply these teachings in various facets of our modern life.

Modern-Day Resonance: Two Incidents from My Experience

Incident 1: The Extra Mile in Apartment Management

A few months ago, I witnessed something that reminded me strongly of Sai Baba’s teachings. A member of our apartment management committee had commissioned some construction work. After the work was completed, he not only paid the agreed amount but also added something extra. The smiles that broke out among the construction workers were priceless. This was not merely a business transaction; it was a recognition of the workers’ sincerity and commitment.

Incident 2: Rewarding In-House Talent

A couple of years back, I was involved in the creation of a coffee table book intended for high-level dignitaries. The project required some exquisite calligraphy, and one of our own employees was highly skilled in that art form. Our honorable chairman insisted on giving this individual an advance payment for the work, despite him being an employee. It was a gesture that validated not just the labor but also the unique skill and artistry required for the task.

The Overarching Lesson

Both these incidents in my life echo Sai Baba’s wisdom that rewarding hard work involves a nuanced understanding of labor and effort. In the first experience, the extra pay wasn’t solely for the physical work—it was a tribute to the sincerity and commitment that the construction workers poured into their job. In the second, our chairman’s proactive recognition of in-house talent served as a wonderful reinforcement of Sai Baba’s teaching that labor should be evaluated holistically.


As the famed line from the movie “The Godfather” goes, “Great men are not born great, they grow great.” This sentiment echoes Sai Baba’s wisdom about hard work and its multi-dimensional rewards. The essence of his teaching encourages us to grow great by recognizing and rewarding hard work in a manner that transcends mere financial or material gains. It asks us to factor in emotional and spiritual dimensions, as well.

In the two incidents I shared, both the apartment management committee member and our honorable chairman embodied Sai Baba’s teachings in their actions. They saw beyond the apparent tasks and acknowledged the underlying sincerity, commitment, and skill, thereby elevating a simple act of remuneration into a profound, transformative gesture.

So, as we navigate through the complexities of modern life, let’s carry forward Sai Baba’s timeless wisdom by honoring hard work in its fullest sense—materially, emotionally, and spiritually. Doing so not only makes us better individuals but also allows us to contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.

Exploring Wealth and Wisdom: Learnings from Chekhov’s “Bet”

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Anton Chekhov’s “Bet” casts a spell with its engaging plot and its themes of wealth and knowledge that are strikingly relevant even today. My first brush with this tale was not through its original literary form, but through a TV episode in “Katha Sagar,” which lingered in my thoughts, eventually drawing me back to the story itself, sparking reflections on its profound themes.

A Glimpse into “Bet”

“Bet” unfolds with a spirited argument at a banker’s party, where a lawyer asserts that any kind of life is better than no life at all, opposing the death penalty, and favouring life imprisonment. The banker, in disagreement, offers a bet of two million rubles, challenging the lawyer to undergo voluntary imprisonment for fifteen years with the goal to prove the value and resilience of human spirit under isolation. The lawyer accepts, and what follows is a transformative journey through solitude, knowledge acquisition, and eventual disdain for material wealth.

My Personal Encounter with “Bet”

I first watched “Bet” as an episode in “Katha Sagar,” with compelling performances by Kulbhushan Kharbanda and Sachin. It wasn’t a mere watch but a thought-provoking encounter that stayed with me, provoking thoughts about wealth and wisdom through years. Recently, I re-engaged with the story, reading Chekhov’s original words and even seeking out the episode in a DVD collection of “Katha Sagar” – curiously, it was absent.

Finding Depth in Simplicity

The lawyer’s chosen solitude becomes a catalyst for self-discovery and simplicity, demonstrating that life, devoid of material entanglements, can foster profound insights and satisfaction. The story prompts us to contemplate: Can genuine happiness bloom from a life unperturbed by materialistic chaos?

Knowledge as Fulfillment

Through his isolation, the lawyer explores worlds within worlds through books, signifying that a quest for knowledge can pave the way to a deeply satisfying existence. This proposition begs our collective pondering: Can knowledge-seeking indeed carve a fulfilling pathway amid our contemporary diversions?

Stoicism: Finding Peace within

The lawyer’s rejection of the material reward showcases a serene stoicism, illustrating that a detachment from materialistic wants can usher in a unique tranquility and happiness. A potent thought to ruminate upon: Does stoicism hold the unsung key to a peaceful existence amidst our material-laden societal norms?

Modern Insights from a Timeless Tale

“Bet” with its discerning characters and philosophical undertones extends a mirror, encouraging reflections on our own life choices and paths in today’s rapid, interconnected world. The disparate life philosophies embodied by the lawyer and banker cast a reflective light upon our societal and personal journeys.

Conclusion: Thoughts and Looking Ahead

“Bet” offers an undying philosophical dialogue, coaxing its readers into a realm of contemplation regarding wealth, wisdom, and true fulfillment. Even though my initiation into this narrative was through a TV series, the nuanced layers of the written tale have seeded deep, reflective thoughts, especially against the backdrop of our modern, material-driven existence. May this timeless narrative continue to encourage discussions and reflections on the perpetual dialogue between materialistic and intellectual/spiritual pursuits, amid our evolving societal and individual landscapes.

In closing, it’s vital that we not only absorb these deep narratives but also weave the philosophical reflections into our everyday lives and societal dialogues, creating a space where both intrinsic and extrinsic pursuits can coexist and be continually explored and discussed amidst our evolving societal narrative.

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