Social Blade: Analytics and Reports

Social Blade is a platform that compiles data from various social media platforms and generates statistical graphs and charts to track progress and growth. The platform provides numerical data, including estimated earnings and future projections, along with user-friendly graphs.

  • Data compilation: Social Blade collects data from YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Daily Motion, Mixer, and Instagram.
  • Statistical representation: The platform utilizes the collected data to create graphs and charts that monitor progress and growth.
  • Information provided: Social Blade includes estimated earnings and future projections in its data, offering both numerical data and easily understandable graphs.
  • Accessibility: The platform provides free access to statistics for anyone using their website or smartphone apps.
  • Coverage: Social Blade currently tracks over 23 million YouTube channels, 6 million Twitter profiles, 5 million Twitch channels, 206 thousand Daily Motion users, and 416 thousand Mixer Streamers.
  • User reach: With over 7 million unique visitors per month, a significant portion of users frequent the site daily.

Social Blade is a decent standard to adopt. Here is a video in regional media on the usage of the same (Author doesn’t endorse the contents, only highlighting the tool usage)

Example of Social Blade usage

Resilience and Redemption: Exploring ‘Leon: The Professional'”

“Leon: The Professional” is a remarkable film known for its distinct characterization, immersive depiction of different worlds, enigmatic relationship, impressive filmmaking style, and a resilient “no-matter-who-dies-life-moves-on” attitude.

Directed by Luc Besson in 1994, the film introduces us to Leon (Jean Reno), a skilled hitman leading a solitary and methodical life in the dangerous streets of New York City. His world is one of shadows and calculated precision as he navigates through his deadly profession.

However, Leon’s life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Mathilda (Natalie Portman), a young girl whose family has been tragically murdered by a corrupt DEA agent. Their worlds collide, giving rise to an inexplicable bond that defies easy explanation. As Mathilda seeks vengeance, Leon reluctantly becomes her mentor, teaching her the art of assassination. Together, they embark on a perilous journey, finding solace and redemption in each other’s presence.

The film’s strengths lie in Luc Besson’s adept direction, which brings the contrasting landscapes of New York City’s underworld and the tender moments between Leon and Mathilda to life with meticulous attention to detail. The film’s soundtrack, composed by Éric Serra, adds intensity and emotion to the narrative.

“Leon: The Professional” also presents a pragmatic view of life, where characters meet their demise without grandiosity or sentimentality. This approach enhances the tension and reinforces the idea of survival and resilience.

In conclusion, “Leon: The Professional” is a remarkable film known for its distinct characterization, immersive portrayal of different worlds, enigmatic relationship between its protagonists, impressive filmmaking style, and a resilient “no-matter-who-dies-life-moves-on” attitude. With its strong direction, compelling storytelling, and notable soundtrack, the film has earned its place as an exceptional piece in cinema history.

Why AI Will Save the World

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The article “Why AI Will Save the World” by Andreessen Horowitz talks about how AI can augment human intelligence to make outcomes of intelligence much better. It also talks about how AI can help in creating new medicines, solving climate change, and reaching the stars. The article also clarifies that AI is not killer software or robots that will spring to life and decide to murder the human race or otherwise ruin everything, like you see in the movies. Instead, it is owned by people and controlled by people, like any other technology.

Here is the full article: Why AI will save the world