Moving from Typewriters to AI: Welcoming Tech Changes

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In 1996, as part of my job application to a US firm, I was required to submit a statement of purpose. It took me a few days to craft a compelling statement. Once written on paper, I took it to a typist at my cousin’s company to transcribe it into MS Word. After printing it using a laser printer, I stored my code samples in three 1.44MB floppy diskettes. These diskettes were designed for sequential processing, prompting the user to insert one disk after the other.

Fast forward to 2024, how drastically things have changed. Now, we live in a time where technology has grown a lot. We use Artificial Intelligence (AI), like smart homes and self-driving cars, every day. The way we apply for jobs has changed too. Instead of giving paper documents and code samples on diskettes, we do everything online. We send our applications, resumes, and code samples through email or job websites. Even writing a good statement of purpose is easier with AI, which can give tips and fixes to make our writing better. Also, thanks to cloud storage, we don’t need things like floppy diskettes to store our files. We can keep and share big files online without worrying about losing them. It’s really cool to see how much has changed in just a few decades.

This is how most of the world is preparing. So, if we are still using old methods and still printing out documents, we might want to reconsider. Embracing the advancements in technology, especially in AI, is not just about keeping up with the times. It’s about optimizing our efforts, enhancing our productivity, and expanding our capabilities. Whether it’s writing a compelling statement of purpose using AI tools, or storing and sharing large files through cloud storage, these technological advancements are designed to make our lives easier and more efficient.

However, while we enjoy these benefits, it’s also important to remember the essence of why we do what we do. In our quest for efficiency and progress, we must not lose sight of the primary purpose of our actions – to connect, to share ideas, to express our thoughts and emotions. So, let’s use technology to enhance our human potential, not replace it.

As we continue to navigate the digital era, let’s also take a moment to appreciate the journey we’ve taken, from typewriters and floppy diskettes to AI and cloud storage. It’s a testament to human innovation and our relentless pursuit of progress. So, let’s continue to learn, adapt, and grow with the changing times, and make the most of the opportunities they present.

Also, as we start doing things online, we are actually preparing ourselves for AI. By embracing digital technology and AI, we are not only streamlining our processes but also contributing to a vast pool of data that fuels AI’s learning and growth. Every online interaction, every piece of data we share, feeds into the continuous improvement of these systems. This interplay between human activity and AI is shaping the future, creating a symbiotic relationship where our actions inform AI development, and in turn, AI innovations enhance our capabilities.

In this digital age, the concept of ‘preparing’ has taken on a new dimension. Preparation is no longer just about having the right documents or following a set process. It’s about understanding and harnessing the power of technology, about being adaptable and flexible in the face of rapid changes. It’s about using AI to our advantage, leveraging its potential to enhance our productivity, creativity, and decision-making.

So, as we transition more and more into the digital realm, let’s view it not as a daunting challenge, but as an exciting opportunity. An opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shape the future. We are not just preparing for AI – we are part of its evolution.

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Input Metrics: A Journey from Human Communication to AI Enhancement

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In the dynamic landscape of business and personal growth, one element that has consistently captivated my interest is the concept of input metrics. These are the quantifiable factors that we can directly manipulate and adjust to guide our trajectory towards desired outcomes. In this exploration, we’ll traverse the evolution of input metrics in the context of human communication, thinking, and action, with a special emphasis on the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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The Foundation: Understanding Input Metrics

As I’ve extensively discussed in my book ‘Directing Business’, input metrics serve as the levers we can pull to instigate change and achieve our objectives. They represent the actionable steps we can take, the strategic initiatives we can implement, and the resources we can deploy. In the business sphere, input metrics are indispensable for informed decision-making and effective strategy formulation. They offer a tangible mechanism to monitor progress, evaluate performance, and make necessary course corrections along the journey.

The Evolution of Communication: From Symbols to AI

Communication has been a fundamental pillar of human civilization, evolving from rudimentary symbols etched on cave walls to the intricate digital systems we employ today. This evolution has had a profound impact on the development and application of input metrics. As our methods of communication have become more sophisticated and nuanced, so too have our tools for measuring, influencing, and predicting our actions and their subsequent outcomes.

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The Human Endeavor: Thinking, Acting, and Communicating

The way humans think, act, and communicate forms the bedrock of our societies and cultures. These fundamental activities shape the way we utilize and interpret input metrics. For instance, our cognitive processes guide the selection of relevant metrics, our actions determine how we manipulate these metrics, and our communication skills influence how we disseminate and interpret metric-driven insights. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for leveraging input metrics effectively.

The Role of AI in Enhancing Input Metrics

In the contemporary world, AI has emerged as a game-changer across numerous fields, including the realm of input metrics. AI technologies, with their ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data, can uncover patterns and insights that would be impossible for humans to detect. This capability has revolutionized the use of input metrics, enhancing their accuracy, efficiency, and applicability, and opening up new avenues for innovation and growth.

Sales Scenario: A Concrete Example

To illustrate the power of input metrics, let’s consider a sales scenario. Suppose a company aims to increase its sales volume. The input metrics might include the number of sales calls made, the duration of each call, and the strategies employed to close deals. By meticulously tracking and adjusting these metrics, the company can directly influence its sales outcomes, driving growth and profitability. This example underscores the practical utility of input metrics in real-world situations.

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Sales Scenario: A Concrete Example with AI and ML

To illustrate the power of input metrics, let’s consider a sales scenario involving two individuals: Alex, a sales representative, and Jordan, a potential client.

Stage 1: Lead Generation and Initial Contact

The journey begins even before Alex meets Jordan. Utilizing AI and machine learning, Alex’s company analyzes data from various sources—social media interactions, website visits, and engagement with previous marketing materials—to identify potential leads. Jordan’s company emerges as a strong candidate due to its engagement patterns and expressed needs that align with Alex’s offering. An AI-driven tool sends a personalized invitation to Jordan for the networking event where Alex and Jordan eventually meet, setting the stage for their informal pitch.

Stage 2: Informal Pitch and Data Capture

During their meeting, Alex’s wearable device records their conversation, capturing the nuances of their dialogue. This moment is crucial as it marks the transition from a potential lead to an engaged prospect through a personalized interaction that lays the foundation for the sales process.

Stage 3: Proposal Generation

Immediately after their conversation, the AI system processes the recorded data to generate a comprehensive, personalized proposal. This document not only reflects the informal pitch but also includes enriched content like product specifications, testimonials, and tailored pricing plans. The speed and accuracy of this process ensure that Jordan’s interest is captured at its peak, fostering a strong impression of Alex’s company’s efficiency and attentiveness.

Stage 4: Proposal Delivery and Engagement

Jordan receives the proposal swiftly, reinforcing the positive impression made during the initial meeting. The proposal is designed not just to inform but also to engage, with interactive elements like clickable demos and links to schedule a follow-up meeting directly in Alex’s calendar. This stage epitomizes the blend of human touch with technological precision, offering a personalized experience that respects the client’s time and preferences.

Stage 5: Follow-Up and Deep Dive

Leveraging insights from the initial conversation, Alex follows up with Jordan, offering a deeper dive into how their solution addresses Jordan’s specific challenges. This may involve a detailed presentation, a demo, or a trial period, facilitated by tools that track engagement and gather feedback, further refining the understanding of Jordan’s needs and preferences.

Stage 6: Negotiation and Customization

As Jordan shows interest in proceeding, negotiation begins. Here, AI tools analyze data from similar past sales to advise Alex on negotiation strategies, pricing models, and customization options that have succeeded with similar clients. This data-driven approach enables Alex to present a compelling, customized offer that aligns with Jordan’s expectations and budget constraints.

Stage 7: Closing the Deal

With the negotiations concluded satisfactorily, Alex and Jordan move to close the deal. Digital contract tools enable the seamless signing of agreements, while automated systems prepare for the onboarding process. The efficiency and transparency of this stage reflect the culmination of a process where every step is enhanced by data capture and utilization.

Stage 8: Post-Sale and Relationship Building

After the sale, the journey continues with customer onboarding, support, and relationship management. The same AI technologies that facilitated the sale now ensure Jordan’s successful adoption of the product and satisfaction. Automated follow-ups, satisfaction surveys, and usage analytics feed back into the system, ensuring that Jordan remains engaged and satisfied, and providing valuable data to refine future sales processes.

This expanded scenario demonstrates how integrating advanced data capture and utilization technologies throughout the sales cycle can transform every stage, from lead generation to post-sale support. By ensuring that no valuable interaction or piece of information is lost, and by maximizing the relevance and personalization of every communication, such technologies not only streamline the sales process but also significantly enhance the client experience, leading to better outcomes for both the sales team and the client.


In conclusion, input metrics are a powerful tool for driving business strategies and personal growth. They provide a tangible way to influence our actions and outcomes, from the boardroom to our daily lives. The futuristic sales scenario involving Alex and Jordan perfectly illustrates the transformative power of AI-enhanced input metrics in real-world contexts. As we continue to embrace and harness these technologies, we are set to redefine the boundaries of what we can achieve in business and beyond.

The Journey of Understanding Karma: A Personal Perspective

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Life is a journey of learning and understanding, and one of the most profound concepts I’ve grappled with is Karma. My journey with Karma began with the Bhagavad Gita, continued with the teachings of Puttaparthi Sai Baba, and was further shaped by my reflections on a Quora post, my understanding of Nishkama Karma, and the teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba.

The Bhagavad Gita and Karma

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My first encounter with the Bhagavad Gita was during my school days at Satya Sai Vidya Vihar. The Bhagavad Gita was part of our curriculum, and I found myself memorizing verses without fully understanding their depth. One concept that particularly intrigued me was Karma Yoga, the path of selfless action. I was puzzled by the idea that all actions lead to outcomes, both good and bad. If that’s the case, why should we do anything at all?

Puttaparthi Sai Baba’s Teachings

author (in circle) with Puttaparthi Sai Baba

Years later, I had the opportunity to meet Puttaparthi Sai Baba, a spiritual leader revered by many. I asked him the question that had been bothering me: “Why should we perform actions (Karma), when any action can potentially lead to negative outcomes?” His answer was simple, “Why worry about it, just do your duty (Karma).”

At first, I found his words difficult to comprehend. But as I reflected on my life choices and the things I’ve said no to, I realized that the essence of Karma is not about the outcome, but about being independent of others. Even if something goes against what’s considered normal, you should still stick to your duty and act.

Reflections on a Quora Post

In my quest to understand Karma, I stumbled upon a post on Quora that offered a unique perspective. The author of the post questioned why corrupt people, despite their apparent success, are enmeshed in a web of heavy karma. They misuse their position for self-gratification, neglecting their responsibility to work for the welfare of others.

On the other hand, the author suggested that those who are struggling have chosen their circumstances as lessons. These struggles are teaching them resilience, self-independence, and survival instincts. These struggles are tests that one needs to pass to master the soul lessons. This perspective on Karma, as shared by the author, resonated deeply with me.

Nishkama Karma

Nishkama Karma, or selfless action, is a concept that resonates deeply with me. It’s about performing your duty without attachment to the outcome. This aligns with the teachings of Puttaparthi Sai Baba and the Bhagavad Gita. It’s not about the fruits of our actions, but about doing our duty with sincerity and dedication.

Shirdi Sai Baba and Karma Yoga

Shirdi Sai Baba, another revered spiritual leader, was a living embodiment of Karma Yoga. He performed acts of charity, healed the sick without charging any fees, and lived a humble life. His actions were driven by an altruistic motive, often resulting in personal suffering to alleviate the pain of others. His life was a testament to the principles of selfless action and universal love, serving as an inspiration to all who came to know him.


My journey of understanding Karma has been a deeply personal and transformative one. It has taught me that Karma is not about the outcomes of our actions, but about performing our duty with sincerity and dedication. It’s about selfless action and universal love. And most importantly, it’s about living life on our own terms, independent of others.

ET, IT…and the rest